Available female
Candidate for home and sport protection service
Titled: SVV1
Available female
Candidate for home and sport protection service
Titled: SVV1
Available dog
Candidate for sport and personal protection service. Trained!
Available dog
Candidate for home and personal protection service.
Available dog
Candidate for sport and home protection service.
Available dog
Candidate for sport dog
Candidate for home and sport protection service
Available dog
(View pedigrees by clicking on the pictures below)
Sold dog
Personal protection service
Sold dog
Sport and personal protection service.
Sold dog
Sport and personal protection service.
Sold dog
Sport and personal protection service.
Sold dog
Police dog
Sold dog
Police dog
Sold dog
Sport and personal protection service.
Sold dog
Sport and personal protection service.
Sold dog
Sport and personal protection dog
Sold dog
Sport dog
Sold dog
Police dog
Sold dog
Sport and personal protection service dog
Our company was founded in 2009 and since then we have sold many dogs and gained many satisfied clients. Our trainers have been breeding and training dogs since the 70's, but they still use the latest training methods. We approach each dog in training individually according to the needs of each client. Depending on whether you need a dog for work, personal protection, police, or as a family pet, we will provide training.
I was extremely satisfied with the purchase, training and delivery